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S&S CYCLE CAM KIT 475C M8 17- 475 Cam
Regular price $299.95 USD
- Drag part number: 0925-1171
- Manufacturer Number: 330-0641
- Designed for 107"/114" motors, compatible with all stock valve train components
- Kits include all required bearings, O-rings, and hardware
- Capable of producing triple-digit horsepower when coupled with performance intake and exhaust system
- Made in the U.S.A.
- Product Name: Cam
- Type: Chain
- Application: Exhaust
- Application: Intake
- Grind: 475C
- Intake Open: 6.2° Front, 2.2° Rear
- Intake Close: 27.2° Front, 31.2° Rear
- Intake Lift: 0.475"
- Intake Duration: 213.5°
- Exhaust Lift: 0.475"
- Exhaust Duration: 263.9° Front, 252.5° Rear
- Exhaust Open: 55.5° Front, 52.2° Rear
- Exhaust Close: 28.5° Front, 20.2° Rear
- Units: Kit
- Riding Style: Street
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